Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013

Tutorial: Polar Bear


Begin by tying a slip knot in white. Make sure not to close the knot completely and close the sling with a sling crochet (SlC). Cover the result, a ring, with 5 single crochets (SC) into the hole. When you are done, make sure to draw the loose string tight so that no hole remains. Increase the number of crochets in the next row by doubling them in each previous crochet (=10 crochets). Row three is continued with one single crochet and one doubled crochet per previous crochet in turns (=15 crochets), row four with two crochets per previous two crochets and a doubled crochet per previous crochet in turns (=20 crochets) and row five with a 3 per 3, double per one pattern (=25 crochets).
Continue with 25 crochets per round for the next 10-20 rounds. Then decrease accordingly and do not forget to stuff the ball that you create with batting. 

Arms + Legs

Crochet a white disc with one round. Start fresh with a new thread and crochet the first round into the upper sling of the last crocheted round on the disc. Continue in a circular pattern until the size of the arm / leg fits the body. Stuff with batting and sow the parts onto the body. Then, sew the claws onto the arm / leg with black string.


Start by crocheting a white disc. Complete the first round and second round, then slowly decrease in the next round for the snout. Continue normally for two more rounds, then sew the mouth shut. Glue on the eyes and sew on the nose and mouth in black.


Start with a sling of three crochets in white and crochet the first round. Then decrease. Sew the ears onto the head.

To fish, glue on the plastic eyes. If you want, you can also add a little tail. This is how the polar bear looks: